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Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. We collect and use your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy. You agree to the terms of our privacy policy by using this website.

This Privacy Statement explains how we, Insight Media Productions, handle your personal information in connection with the website, product, or service that links to this Privacy Statement and the administration of the employment relationship with our employees (we call these our “Services”). It applies generally to the following groups:

  • Customers and users (including prospective customers and users);
  • Employees;
  • Third party business partners; and
  • Other individuals who interact with us or whose personal information we maintain.

This Privacy Statement does not apply to any website, application, product, or service that links to its own privacy statement or that is offered by third parties, in which clicking on third party links or enabling those connections may allow the third party to collect, use, or share data about you. We encourage you to read their respective privacy statements.

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